
Excel Intermediate (angol nyelvű képzés)

Excel Intermediate (angol nyelvű képzés)

Kód: E219A
Időtartam:2 nap (2x8 tanóra)
Nehézségi szint:
  • Középhaladó
65 000 Ft
(Bruttó ár: 82 550 Ft)
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Course description

Are you jealous of a colleague who uses flashy keyboard combinations? Have you seen Excel gurus get complicated jobs done in a few well-placed clicks? Have you ever stared puzzled at long, seemingly unintelligible functions? Join our course, and become the one others turn to for Excel advice!



  • 16 hours


  • Basic knowledge of the Excel program

Course outline

Revising the basics

  • Useful keyboard combinations, shortcuts

  • Speeding up every day work

  • Using series

  • Quick Analysis tool for tables


Using formulas

  • Basic formulas

  • Formula operators in excel

  • Absolute and relative references

  • Simple mathematical and statistical functions


  • The IF function

  • Nesting IF functions

  • Date and time calculations

  • Most important date functions

  • Text functions and how to use them

  • VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP – when and how to use them

  • Using VLOOKUP to find exact and not exact match

  • Combining VLOOKUP and IFERROR


Visualizing the data

  • Creating different charts

  • Using the Recommended Charts tool

  • Formatting and customizing charts; using the Quick Formatting options

  • Chart types and when to use them

  • Combined charts

  • Trendlines, two Y axis charts, waterfall charts and other curiosities

  • Linking charts to data

  • Conditional formatting

  • Data bars, colour scales and icon sets in cells

  • Complex conditional formatting

  • How and when to use Sparklines

Text management, data types

  • Reading text files into Excel

  • Text to columns

  • Correct wrong text formats

  • Troubleshooting typical number and date importing errors

Data protection, restricting data entry

  • Worksheet protection

  • Protecting the structure of the workbooks

  • Password protecting cell ranges

  • Passwords to open and modify workbooks

  • Protecting shared workbooks

  • Track changes in shared workbooks

  • Data validation in cells, input messages and error messages

  • Highlighting invalid data

  • Creating in-cell dropdown lists

Pivot table basics

  • Creating a Pivot table

  • Pivot table views and layouts

  • The Recommended Pivot tables tool

  • Using the Slicer and the Timeline

  • Formatting options

  • Calculation options

Revision, practice, complex exercises


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